Cashmere App Founder, Urenna Okonkwo, shares her top tips on how to slay in your lane

We still can’t forget the Level Up session with 14 other phenomenal females from various career backgrounds where Urenna Okonkwo, the founder of Cashmere gave us an insight into her life as a founder. Organised by Now You’re Talking, Urenna shared her journey of being a founder and building Cashmere, a savings platform that allows you to ethically splurge on luxury. What Cashmere allows millennials to do is to save up enough money for their luxury trips and luxury products. If you’re looking for a smart way to buy a designer item, you can begin saving for it without breaking the bank and getting in trouble.

Here are the top tips we learnt from her journey:

  1. Clear Planning – Always plan in detail; seek help when you can’t do it all alone. Look at your strengths and your weaknesses and understand what you can outsource. Be eager to learn and receive feedback

  2. Goal Setting – Always write things down

  3. Plan For The Week Ahead – Be very detailed in your planning even up to each hour of the day. At the end of the week, go through your list of achievements and understand whether you have achieved your goal of the week

  4. Be Mindful Of Your Time – We all know how social media can be a big distraction if we do not manage our time properly. Urenna suggests we set a time apart for social media use and also to track the time we spend on social media

  5. Calls And Email Are Better Than Meeting Up – Is the meeting absolutely necessary? Can you discuss the matter over the phone? How much of your time would this take? Urenna explained how she deals with time wasters or people who want to meet up for the purpose of meeting up to discuss “ideas”. She normally asks if they can send her a list of questions on the business idea / agenda of points they would like to discuss in the meeting. If the questions can be answered via email, she sends her responses and saved herself time and energy

  6. Schedule Time On Your Calendar – Urenna suggests that Calendly (app that helps you schedule meetings) has helped her to manage her schedules for meetings and calls

  7. Take Your Mental Health Seriously – Happiness planner has helped her to create time and awareness of her mental wellbeing

  8. Have Your Accountability Planners – “You’re the average of 5 people around you” – Will Smith. This profound quote will help you to think about the people who surround you. Your accountability partners are those who are equally as ambitious as you are and with whom you share goals. They will check on you to make sure you’re on track to achieve your goals

  9. Document Your Achievement – She finds that documenting her achievements makes her feel better and is also a form of self care to acknowledge your hard work

  10. Believe In What You Do Before Taking A Leap – Social media can be quite misleading in terms of what people choose to share and not share about their journey to success. She agrees that it can be difficult to take the leap, but it’s also very rewarding. In her own words “if it’s what you want and what you believe in, go for it!”

If it’s what you want and what you believe in, go for it!

– Urenna Okonkwo, Founder Cashmere App

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Want to know more about Cashmere App, why don’t you head over to the site and check it out. Happy luxury saving and shopping! 


Photo Credit: Forbes